Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Dear Messrs. Boehner, Cruz, et al.:

My father, the son of poor immigrants, served with honor in the U.S. Navy. He then went on to work for the New York state government, helping maintain a balanced budget. After that he started a new career as a Foreign Service Officer, working to support & protect U.S. interests both here and abroad. After retiring, he was a teaching professor & department head at a local college, preparing a new generation of American citizens for the future.

He was called out of "retirement" to work for USNATO, moving overseas once more, then retired again -- only to be called back to public service yet again (and moving overseas again) to serve the nation as the U.S. representative in Den Haag helping create the first comprehensive international organization to control chemical weapons & similar weapons of mass destruction. In each position, he worked (successfully) to ensure U.S. interests were supported while simultaneously cutting operating budgets and returning taxpayer money to the Treasury.

His health is no longer as good as it was, his house needs repairs, and by all accounts he has paid his dues -- and you, along with your political cronies, have "thanked" him for his years of service & sacrifice by cutting off and/or interfering with his pension, his health care, and literally dozens of services he needs because you could not succeed at pushing through a minority agenda without using the terrorist practice of holding governments & nations hostage.

When my father salutes the U.S. flag, he can hold his head up high in pride; you and your political cronies do not even deserve to be allowed to look at Old Glory, much less claim to represent this once-great nation.

I am not merely "annoyed" at your behavior. I am angry. I am ashamed.

...and I have a long memory, and I always vote.