Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Comin' Right At Ya!

 Amazingly, everything is working the way it used to, so here's a more normal post while I can still make it...!

Remember to look for additional Annoyed Guy content in my podcasts and on Instagram!

Instagram: @theannoyedguy


Monday, August 29, 2022

I Am *SO* Confused Right Now...

 Coming clean here: I have more than one blog, which means I have more than one Blogger account.

There's actually nothing wrong with this. Not only is it allowed, it's even facilitated by Blogger -- to switch between blogging accounts/IDs associated with my login, I just click on the logo of my account in the upper right-hand corner and will be presented with a drop-down menu allowing me to switch between accounts.  Been doing that for a long, long time -- as in, since late December 2010.

To be honest, I've always been nervous about things going wrong with one account killing all of them. I go back to the early days when all these different online services were actually different online services and not different products from one or two companies, and there was a bit of extra security in the knowledge that if something happened with one account, it was exactly that: one account, leaving the others unscathed.  (I know enough about the dark side of the Internet to know that was a mostly false sense of security, but at least it was a few extra warm fuzzies when I needed 'em.)

So... why am I writing this (and why am I again being annoyed by modern tech)?

Well, for the past several days, I've been going to my main Blogger login -- the one that's the oldest by a few days -- and doing the usual "Switch Accounts" dance... and for the past several days I've been getting a 404 - Page Not Found error for this blog.  To add to my steadily-growing angst & annoyance, the message accompanying the 404 error says, "The requested URL /u/0/& was not found on this server. That's all we know."  (Even better, the last 4 words are a non-functioning hyperlink.)

Cue the panic over an entire blog covering 11-½ years (yes, with gaps, sorry) literally vanishing into the ether without warning or chance of saving anything not yet backed up.

This morning it suddenly occurred to me that I have more than one web browser on my laptop (one tends to forget the obvious when one is panicked -- "Fear is the mind-killer") so I gave the other browser a shot. Wham bam thank you ma'am here I am, logged in with no problem.

Well... no problem except 1) This Google login doesn't know that I have any other Google logins, 2) this login doesn't have any way to switch to other Google-owned accounts, 3) I still can't log in as the owner of this blog with my other browser even though my other browser is happy to let me view the blog as a visitor, 4) I have yet to be able to figure out what the blazes is going on because I didn't make ANY changes to any of my Google accounts in the past several months, and 5) I have zero guarantees this problem won't pop up again in this browser, or somehow have something even worse happen.

So, yeah... I'm annoyed.  And slightly panicked.  (The cynic living in a dingy garret in the back of my brain is thinking of the question that's part of every Passover seder, "Why is this night different from all other nights?")  And very annoyed.

Hopefully I'll be making another more normal (or what passes for normal around here) post in a few days.

Remember to look for additional Annoyed Guy content in my podcasts and on Instagram!

Instagram: @theannoyedguy


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Which Color Means What?


Remember to look for additional Annoyed Guy content in my podcasts and on Instagram!

Instagram: @theannoyedguy


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Get Outta The Way!


Remember to look for additional Annoyed Guy content in my podcasts and on Instagram!

Instagram: @theannoyedguy


Monday, August 8, 2022

Blind Faith...?


Remember to look for additional Annoyed Guy content in my podcasts and on Instagram!

Instagram: @theannoyedguy
